
SculptJanuary 24 – Torso. Vaguely muscular stylised male.

I did lots of prep for this one. I looked at a course on sculpting human anatomy. I learnt all the names of the muscles and took copious notes on the origin, insertion and functions of the muscles I’d want to sculpt. I flipped back and forth in my anatomy book of choice matching muscle descriptions to insertion points on bones. I looked at photos of body builders and tried to figure out what that weird bulge is under their armpits (it’s a hugely developed latissimus dorsi). I rewatched relevant episodes of the current Proko course about torso anatomy.

I did all this prep because torsos – especially the lower torso where it connects to the hips – are a massive artistic weak spot for me. I haven’t internalised them properly yet.

Ironically, when it came time to sculpt, my mind was super tired from all that learning (and a few late nights). So the sculpt finished up pretty rough.

I’d like to go back and try this again once I’m properly rested and I’ve had time to properly absorb how torsos fit together. In the meantime I look forward to chuckling at my weird anatomical mistakes.

By quollism

A creator of quollity stuff.

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