
After finding this excellent guide to converting GLSL shader routines to OSL, I thought I’d dig up a couple of the simpler but still spiffy-looking ones on GLSL Sandbox for conversion practice.

The successes and failures have both been pretty great. I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m fairly sure I found a bug but I will need to test a bit more to be sure. But yeah. Shaders. Cool stuff. 🙂

Haven’t really got many tips on how to convert, suffice it to say it helps to know how vectors and scalars behave. Also worth knowing is the following.

In GLSL, vec2 pos = (gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy) means that pos contains members pos.x and pos.y with ranges from from 0.0 to 1.1

In OSL: there’s a global point P which you can put into the shader signature as point Po = P. Po will then contains three read-only indices – P[0], P[1] and P[2]. These are floats of X Y and Z respectively containing values from 0.0 to 1.0 or close enough.

You can factor in time by putting float FTime = 1.0 in the shader signature. Once you’ve compiled the shader, hover mouse over FTime and hit i to insert a keyframe. Then hit up the F-Curves Editor, add a Generator and you’ll have time as frames. If you the time to be fed in as seconds instead of frames, set the first order co-efficient (aka.the parameter next to the X) as 1/24 or 1/yourframerate. (Drivers do not appear work for OSL node parameters.)

Think I might render out a video or two for tomorrow. This stuff is cool in motion.

Originals: and – thanks to Stefan Hintz and the anonymous contributor of the other GLSL shader.

By quollism

A creator of quollity stuff.

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