Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll. It is a very patriotic-looking barking owl.

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll. It is a sooty owl called Thor from Caversham Wildlife Park.

I’d have waited longer to publish this except Wikipedia wanted it on the web before i put the picture into Wikipedia Commons. It’s a good feeling when you come across an article on Wikipedia which has no image and you think hang on, i took a half-decent picture of one of those today…

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll. This is a boobook owl, known by many other names like morepork, mopoke and ruru. I hear these owls sometimes around my house. They have an unmistakeable two-note call.

This boobook looks like it’s getting ready to punch me out. I guess i did wake him/her up.

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll. This is a sooty owl making armpits and eating chunks of the last person who patted the wrong koala at Caversham Wildlife Park*.

* may be lying

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll. This is a barking owl. This particular owl always makes the best faces.