This is not a quoll but it is an Australian predator. It is a barking owl getting a nice scratch on the head.
Tag: owl
This is not a quoll but it is an Australian predator. It is a southern boobook owl, or just “boobook” for short.
Boobooks have a distinctive falling two-toned call. Like all hawk-owls, they often look annoyed or hung over.
This is not a quoll though it seems to eat roughly the same stuff. It is a boobook owl, a small brown owl related to the barking owl. I once saw a boobook owl in the central business district of Perth city, and more than once i’ve heard their distinctive two-tone call from my house out in the suburbs.
Unlike the tawny frogmouth, the boobook is a true owl.
This is not a quoll. It is a barking owl getting a scratch on the head and making happy owl noise.
This is not a quoll. It is a barking owl.
This is a repost – the video never worked that well on Tumblr anyway. I’ve got a few more videos to post over the course of the week too, including two quoll videos.