Blender Journals Stuff I made


Part of good animation is good storytelling, and good storytelling makes an emotional connection with the audience. So if i don’t have time for walk cycles, there’s still quicker things i can do.

I tried to pose this guy to make him look like he’s grief-stricken, or at the very least not very happy. I accidentally left autokeying while i was posing and a bunch of work got rubbed out when i pressed Render… but most of what i needed to do to fix the pose i was working on was to drop the camera angle a bit. Pose was fine. Camera angle was bad. File that one under “experience”.

A sad cartoon man is not the most cheerful thing in the world. Maybe more substantial than the usual cartoon cheese.


This is the fixed version of the walk cycle. Donovan hasn’t had his say on this one but after straightening the leg at the contact point of the walk, turning the shoulders a little bit more and crucially shifting the centre of gravity forward by tilting the chest, the walk now has a hell of a lot more weight in it than before.

A good start, then.


So this is a walk cycle i did using the CG Cookie Flex Rig. This was the version i submitted to an animator friend (hi Donovan!) for criticism. He said the leg wasn’t straight enough and the shoulders needed to turn more with the body. So back into Blender i went.

This is about five hours or so of work. Possibly only four. Animation is one of those rare activities that bends time.


My new year’s plan is to learn animation. Six days a week, i’m going to get stuck into Blender and learn the craft for at least an hour every weekday and a bumper session every Sunday. (Saturday is the token get-rest-of-life-in-order day.) I’ll post the results here.

I was working on a straight walk cycle but the weight seemed off. Then it got silly.

Blender Stuff I made

I watched this really horrible movie today. Also i learnt how to use the new Cookie Flex Rig, an amazing morphing rig for Blender by CG Cookie.

Actually, i didn’t make it all the way through the movie. It was that horrible. It’s so horrible i’m not even going to tell you what it is. It doesn’t deserve to horrify anyone else.

Here’s my impression of the movie i watched using a morph of the CG Cookie Rig. I think this is my first animated GIF here.

Editor’s note: Tumblr was notorious for breaking animated GIFs.