Australian Animals Photography

These are not quolls. These are red-tailed black cockatoos.

These pictures were taken at Peel Zoo, where the male followed me all around the aviary until he realised i wasn’t going to feed him, and the female came and said hello afterwards. When the male tried to land on me, i was immediately thankful for having lived with a galah and having developed lightning quick parrot-ducking reflexes as a result of it.

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll. This is a boobook owl, known by many other names like morepork, mopoke and ruru. I hear these owls sometimes around my house. They have an unmistakeable two-note call.

This boobook looks like it’s getting ready to punch me out. I guess i did wake him/her up.

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll. This is a sooty owl making armpits and eating chunks of the last person who patted the wrong koala at Caversham Wildlife Park*.

* may be lying

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll, this is a.. oh, cheers for that!

These birds have a call that sounds like the number 28, but only if you speak French.

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll. It is a rainbow lorikeet. Rainbow lorikeets make sounds like the electronic fauna on the Game Grid in the original TRON movie and generally have shirty attitudes.