Australian Animals Photography

This is a chuditch or western quoll. In colour. How about that.

The Nocturnal House at Perth Zoo has put some “white” lights into some of their enclosures, so it’s time for some colour pictures of both quolls and creatures that are not quolls. But mainly quolls.

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll. Or maybe it is. I’m not sure what species this guy is but it’s definitely a dasyurid of some sort. Definitely.

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll, but it is in that vague area. It’s a numbat at Perth Zoo rubbing its chest on a log.

Not perma-back on this blog, just wanted to share some numbatty goodness while going back through old videos. As you do.

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll but it is a marsupial. It is a tammar wallaby luxuriating in green grass.

Australian Animals Photography

This is not a quoll. It is a tawny frogmouth. They are best known for their impressive camouflage and huge mouths.

High res versions here.