
And I have another end-to-end 2D animatic. Hooray!

For that last big shot I mentioned last night, I ended up doing it as a composite. Gronky’s elements have a white background. Pointy’s elements have a transparent background – to do this in Krita, I just turn the white default “Layer 1” off and save the standalone layer as a PNG.

Once I have both elements in Blender’s video sequence editor, I use the “Alpha Over” blending mode to layer them over the top of the other. Simples.

That one shot – shot 54 – has 28 individual pieces. The storyboard numbering system got abused thoroughly to put it together – for example there’s a file called 054b13b_s10.png which is part of shot 54, second (b) action, thirteenth illustration, second.. uh.. I have no idea. But things stayed in the right order so.. yeah.

All up I drew 222 images for this animatic. That’s three times as many frames as the previous versions. The planning is now within five seconds of hitting three minutes, but I don’t think it’s going to get any longer.

If anything, once the comedic stuff is tightened up a bit it’ll get shorter.

Two people I’ve spoken to have said I should work on a 3D animatic (reasons: 2D is flat and doesn’t represent volume well; timing will change; 2D is subject to my inconsistent drawing) so I’ll likely be beginning that process this weekend if not sooner. But I want to give the 2D animatic a couple of days just to see if I can trim some fat and tighten it up. Comedy is hard.


Doing some environment exploration. Trying to mimic harsh Australian summer light infused with a bit of low-poly for the background. Wasn’t sure about the angular mess initially but it’s growing on me. (Except for those foreground rocks. Screw those.)

The rock wall is almost entirely procedural. It starts out as a subdivided plane. A few faces were removed to give it holes and caverns. Then comes a stack of modifiers:

  • Array modifier tiles the original grid a couple of times
  • Displace pulls the grid out of shape using a Cell Noise texture progressively more from top to bottom using a Vertex Weight group
  • Solidify turns the grid 3D
  • Bevel adds a bit of extra geometry between the faces
  • Smooth pulls the bevelling apart
  • Subsurf adds more geometry
  • another Displace roughs it up a bit
  • finally, a Decimate modifier pulls the poly count down to 15% of the original, giving the geometry some variation in the process

The texture on the rocks is a Musgrave texture. Nothing too interesting there. I duplicated it, stretched it some more along X, rotated it so it would pop out of the ground and placed it so the duplicate would intersect with the original at the bottom, giving the impression of boulders having rolled down the rock wall over time.

This is near to the point of procrastination given that I’ve got a ton of rewriting and reboarding to do, but this test isn’t looking a million miles away from what I had in mind as an environment. Which is nice. 🙂


A board from tonight. Gronky is very dainty when he wants to be. This is a gag I kept from the last animatic.

Just two more shots to rough out – one simple, one not very simple – and I’ve got enough material to cut the animatic together. Yay for late evening creativity. 🙂


Gronky is still somewhat lumpen but he’s getting better every day. 🙂


Gronky’s feeling much better now. Still not 100% – that hand deformation, eek – but I’m making progress with the rig. More on Sunday. 🙂