
A missed day and what came next

The 18th was technically an on day. I didn’t do any animation after i got back from giving someone lessons in Blender modelling. The modelling lessons then turned into Blender techniques for fixing perspective and how to map 2D assets onto 3D objects, weirdly enough.

I tried to squeeze in a little bit of animation yesterday on the 19th but it was just a bouncing ball. Not worth posting.

I’ve never liked bouncing balls – they’re dull to look at – but then again i never liked walk cycles before i learnt more about how they work. People fear and loathe the unknown. But i have made a ball bounce convincingly at least. I worked the damn floatiness out of it.

Yesterday i also went looking for sources on animation exercises to do. I found a cracking good thread at 11 Second Club (second page has even more good stuff) which is graded for difficulty. So that’s now in a happy little spreadsheet of stuff to work through.

It’s a long spreadsheet but i gladly accepted before i started learning animation that it would take a bucketload of grinding and practice to get good at it.

So. Back to grinding then. 🙂

Journals Stuff I made

Thinking walk

This is my thinking walk. More grotesquely exaggerated stuff.

Blender Journals Stuff I made


Today for the first time in one of these daily animations i decided to move the camera and try some composition practice. Cameras are a whole other character, really. The 2 frame shudder flickers both the rotation of the camera and the focal length.

I’ve wanted to do one of these stylish whipfinger animations for a while. The arms are fully FK for true arcs of loveliness. There’s no animation below the chest because i was trying to work quickly. Now i’m late for bed.

I’m glad i played with the camera even though it made posing take a bit longer, for this is gloriously silly. Also Blender’s inbuilt composition guides were nice to have, too.

Blender Journals Stuff I made


Still feeling a bit under the weather. The flu is now just a headache.

After having tried to make myself well with the restorative power of laughter (Futurama seasons 1 and 2), i went for something quick and cartoony. As opposed to the vast majority of CG animation, this was animated pretty much frame for frame with no automatic inbetweening.

Do other countries use the phrase “pissbolt”? Appears not. But that’s what this is. Pissbolting.

It’s not great but compared to my first run i’m seeing progress.



Hate to break the streak but i’m ill with the flu and the only laptop i’ve got which is capable of running Blender has started suddenly powering off. I’ll be back as soon as can be once i’ve recovered.

Just for something quick to do, i’ve changed up the character i’ll use and morphed the CG Cookie Flex rig around a bit. Mainly i needed to make the hands smaller for those were some giant goddamn hands, yo.