Modular synthesisers Music & Synthesisers Stuff I made

Patch of the day: Wire speaks to wire

Reverb is an electronic effect which gives any sound signal the illusion of reverberation. Spring reverb does it by electromechanically vibrating one end of a set of springs in a tank, then recording the vibrating strings to create a pleasantly “wet” metallic ringing.

Behold my happy little Belton spring reverb tank, ready to be patted soothingly.

This short ambient piece was made using a spring reverb effect, but it’s not actually reverberating anything except itself. I sent its output back into the input to create a feedback loop. This made the springs ring uncontrollably after a few seconds, but I can mute the springs with my fingers to quieten them down.

There’s been a bit of reverb and delay added afterwards to space it up a bit. 🙂

Modular synthesisers Music & Synthesisers Stuff I made

Jam of the day: Brainburner (excerpt)


This is a jam for anyone who enjoyed the harder house tracks like Rollin’ and Scratchin’ or Rock’n Roll on Daft Punk’s album Homework. It’s a spiky glitchy drone with some nice polyrhythmic percussion and that’s it – maybe not everyone’s cup of tea but I like it. 🙂

Tech notes

I used two of my new modules for this! The Music Thing Modular Pulses mk 2 is outputting a randomly generated six note rhythm tapped at two points for the clap and the hi-hat. The modulation state of the drone is being sample-and-holded in sync with a Euclidean rhythm out of the Little Nerd. The drone is feeding into the Voltage Control Lab VCF-74 Mk 1 where it’s being frequency modulated; that’s fed into a Ladik Waveform Animator then on to the Eowave Fluctuations Magnetiques filter bank through a parallel low-pass and band-pass filter.

The drone is just sitting at one steady note. So why does it sound so lively? The experiment was to see what would happen if I put a pulse wave through a low pass filter and then put that through the waveform animator. The animator only works on waves with gradual transitions which means a pulse wave goes in and out unchanged, but a low pass filter can introduce those transitions into the pulse wave by filtering the sharper frequencies away to make it transition more like a sine wave. The texture of the drone comes from crazy chaotic interactions between the filter frequency modulation, the waveform animator and the pulsewidth of the original oscillator.

Journals Stuff I made

Inktober, week 2!

That was 8 to 14 October 2017. Would you believe I’m still trying to shake this respiratory illness? Believe it.

Here’s week 2 of my Inktober 2017! This week was all brush pen.

Aside from Inktober, I’m back into soldering this weekend now that the weather’s fined up a bit. I’ve got two more kits to build at which point I get a voltage controllable sequencer and a clock manipulator to go with the contact mic and delay effect that arrived a week ago. DASYRAC gets better and better, yay!

I’ll see you next week for mysterious, fat, graceful, filthy, cloud, deep and furious Inktober! 🙂

Journals Stuff I made

Inktober, week 1!

It’s been 1 to 7 October 2017, which neatly overlaps with the first week of Inktober! It’s fun finally getting some practice in with the brush pen. 🙂

Here’s this week’s pictures, fresh from my Instagram account:

See you with more pictures next week!

Stuff I made

Inktober 2017 #1: “Swift”

And what is swifter than an emu? Inked with a brush pen on Bristol paper.


I’m going to go and watch a course on inking now to try to get my chops up.