
I made an alphabet. This is how I made the alphabet.

I started with an o. The o became a b. The b was variously mirrored and became d, p and q. I went back to the o and cut the side out to make a c.

The b was chopped at the base and turned into an h. The h had its extender brought down to turn it into an n. The h had the n bit trimmed to make an l. The n had one leg chopped off to make an r.

The u was extended into a y. The q was trimmed into a “single-story” a then extended into a g. The l was turned into a t, the t was turned into an f.

There was then an incident involving someone spilling water.

The n was duplicated into an m. The m was flipped around and trimmed into a w.

k started as a b with the middle cut out. o had a very troublesome transformation into e. a started out as an upside-down g and stayed that way for a bit. z appeared from nowhere. u had control points removed and sharpened and became v.

y had its top removed and a dot added to become j, and j naturally became i after having its tail trimmed.

s was another one that arrived from scratch. A tricky birth. It ended up being slightly narrower than the other letters so I could still maintain a consistent geometric feel. x on the other hand was a cut-in-half o.

Back to a. Turns out Birdfont lets you shrink glyphs, so the a remained an upside-down g. And that was it. Lowercase done.

Blender has decided in its infinite wisdom to only display the top half of the e. But I changed all the curves to the same thing and now it’s happy again.

Tomorrow, numbers! And more punctuation.

By quollism

A creator of quollity stuff.

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