A moment in the sun Journals

Welcome to 17 to 25 June 2016. Here’s the sequence I was going over a couple of months ago in layout form.

So that was quite a week! Last Sunday turned out to be my last available full day this month for working on the movie, so it was full steam ahead! I hammered through every tricky shot on the schedule and left the easy stuff for weekday evenings. And so it was on Thursday evening that I finished the last draft layout shot, hitting my milestone a week early. Huzzah.

There’s no storyboards in the master edit anymore. It’s all boomsmashes (playblasts) and a little bit of hand-drawn animation for the intro where a quoll draws the QUOLLISM logo with his tail.

This is not the first time during this project that I’ve been here – I was at a similar point back in April 2015. But I have a very different planning process new, the results of fourteen extra months of research, testing and failure.

Many of the shots are rough and underpolished. That’s OK though. The idea was mostly to see how the movie comes together in sequence first and fuss over the individual shots later.

So! Now that the first pass is done, I’m going to down tools and take a week or two away from AMITS off to potter around, catch up on a pile of movies and enjoy a free weekend or two out of the house. I have a few pages worth of rig problems, continuity corrections and story tweaks to organise into a to-do list already but I want a quick break to refresh my energy.

Thanks for reading, and see you again next week (possibly for a rundown of the aforementioned development process…)

By quollism

A creator of quollity stuff.

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